Teaching Practice Phase 2: Day 35
I engaged the last period for 8f students today. I took a remedial lesson on question tags as most of the pupils performed poorly in the area in both Achievement and Diagnostic tests. I decided to focus my lesson on those statements where auxiliary verbs are not directly given and where the learners had to split the main verb to form the question tag. I took up the one with past form of verbs in positive statements for the remedial teaching.
I took a normal behaviourism based class giving instructions on the rules and using teaching aids. Exercises were then given so that the learners could grasp the concept deductively. It was seen that many learners who could not understand question tags earlier were able to do the exercise correctly when they were instructed to take down structured notes, examples and their explanations. The students also showed great confidence in doing the exercises. Adequate repetitions were also given wherever the learners demanded the same.
Doubts were cleared individually including very very associated with concord in the course of the class.Some students were doubtful regarding whether 'I'and 'you' are plural forms. This was also dispelled with the help of examples.
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